Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thing #3: Register your blog

Only twenty more things to go. I'm still loving the simplicity of this blog site thus far. I can think of numerous things I, myself as a future teacher, could use a blog for. I could easily use a blog to post the lesson plan for each day. It would be a conventional way to allow any students who attend or who are absent the day of to view something they may have missed any where internet access is available. It would be possible for them to comment on posts with questions they may have. This is definitely something to think about for a couple years down the road when I am actively teaching.


  1. I also see the potential that blogging can have on my future class and job. I never considered it before, because I am not technically savvy. I tend to shy away from gadgets and new "toys." I love the fact that, as you pointed out, my students can see my lesson plans and not get behind on their studies if they have to miss a day of class. It also helps the parents feel involved, since they can view projects and assignments and leave questions. It makes teachers more personal and accessable.

  2. Jessica,
    I also think using a blog to post the daily assignments and schedule would be a fantastic way to help those who are present and those who were absent. It would definately help the parents know what assignments needed to be completed and turned in for make-up work without having to call! Great idea!

  3. I agree with you ladies 100%. By doing so helps narrow down excuses to why the work wasn't completed, it keeps everyone informed about what is taking place in the classroom, and it keeps the child from getting behind. Very effective!!!
